Descriptive essay on three struggles

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Descriptive essay on three struggles

Essay 1 In an essay, interpret or incorporate any of the three stories or combination of the three stories we have read so far (“The Chinatown Idea,” “Only Daughter,” and “Mother Tongue”). The story/stories can the main topic or be used as support. Write an organized five-paragraph essay with three supporting points (similarities, differences, reasons, causes, effects, types, symbols, etc.) Possible general topics and arguments to get you started: culture, generation gap, parenting, American-born children, immigrants, language, attitude, etc. For example, you can write…

• …an interpretative essay on three possible reasons why Eric had to take a shower. • …a descriptive essay on three struggles (or conflicts) that immigrant families face

and connect them to the story/stories. • …a comparison essay how Cisneros was similar to Tan in regards to their

motivations, goals, and successes. • …an effect essay about how traditional parenting influences first-generation

children using the stories as examples. This prompt is designed to be flexible. Basically, you have to write a cohesive essay that involves any of the three stories. Be creative with your ideas. Your five-paragraph essay must follow this structure:

• Hook + Thesis Statement [Introduction]

• Topic Sentence 1 (supporting point 1) [Body Paragraph 1] + Development

• Topic Sentence 2 (supporting point 2) [Body Paragraph 2] + Development

• Topic Sentence 3 (supporting point 3) [Body Paragraph 3] + Development

• Concluding Statement + Remarks [Conclusion]

Things to keep in mind: • Don’t just summarize! You have to interpret the story/stories and connect using

your own expressions. Only restating what happened to the characters isn’t interpretation.

• You can definitely include yourself in the essay, either from your perspective (“In my opinion, I feel that…”) or in the examples (“One time, my parents told me…”). Your essay can be about yourself, your family, or your observation if you want.

• It doesn’t matter if you full quote or partial quote—just use quotes effectively. • Don’t expect the quote argue for you. Be sure the quote is used to support an idea

you have just stated or is used to lead into the next idea. • Write academically. Use a formal tone and avoid offensive expressions. • Cite page numbers! Since you are probably going to be working with more than

one story, you will need to cite the author’s last name as well when you feel the origin of the quote might be ambiguous (whose quotes? Liu’s? Cisneros’? Tan’s?). For example, cite (Tan 506) instead of just (506)—that makes it perfectly clear the quote is from “Mother Tongue.”

Your essay will be graded with the following considerations in mind:

• Arguments (Thesis, topic sentences, and concluding statement)–25% • Development (Explanations, descriptions, quotes, examples, etc.)–40% • Clarity and organization–25% • Grammar, style, and tone–10%

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